
Archive for December 15th, 2008

What in the world is going on in our world?  They want to take away Christ is Christmas?  Who ever heard of such foolishness.  Our country has been known for the land of opportunity.  Are we soon going to be celebrating a Holiday Season without Christ?  We live in a land of freedom.  Should a few raise such a stink about nativity scenes and greetings that we allow our country, which was founded for the purpose of Freedom of Religion, to be taken against us?

If the correct way is to say Happy Holidays – should we stomp our feet, get outraged and scowl?  Or should we remember that “HE which hath begun a good work in us, will perform until the day of Jesus Christ?”  Do we stop reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?  Do we compromise or do we shout it from the roof tops that Christ is alive! 

Have we as His children, those of us who call ourselves Christians, put Christ out of Christmas by putting the emphasis on gifts, parties, decorating etc?  Have we left room during this hectic busy season for Christ.  Maybe it is us who are taking the Christ out of Christmas by being so busy we forget what being a Christian is all about.

Have you given to the poor, helped with the food banks, taken time to help those who are less fortunate, have you spent time in prayer asking for God to bring those without Christ into His kingdom during this season?  Are we taking some of our baked goods, our Holiday Cheer to those less fortunate, to the shut-ins.

If we are taking Christ out of Christmas then why should we be complaining about those who are literally removing Christ from our Society?   Do people suffer from depression during this Season called Christmas, because they have no hope.

Wow!  That sure is a lot of questions that you have an opportunity to answer.  What do you do to keep focused on the real reason for the season.  Jesus is the Reason for the Season.  Let me hear from you.  Don’t keep your voice silenced.  Writing about Christmas in our blogs, might just show the blog world what Christ means to us during this time.  

Now is the time.  Touch a heart today.Click to viewFor a great read, go to the left side of my blog and click on Beth.  She has a beautiful blog about a Birthday – yes it is about Jesus and Christmas.  We are going to use it for our devotion when we go to my hubby’s family get together.  We always do a devotion, puppet show and sing before gifts are open for the children.

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